07 February 2010

Today's Flowers!

But is it? I ran like a fool when I saw this beauty last week at the mall. It was so beautiful and shone bright under the morning sun that I thought they were flowers. I took pictures excitedly as the mall guard watched me in amusement.

I immediately asked the guard if he knew the name of this flower. The guard shook his head and told me that it is not a flower. The leaves of the plants are just colored bright (in orange!) but he said that as far as he knows, they are not flowers. Oh my ignorance! There goes this silly flower lover again. Gloating and giddy with happiness at the sight of colored leaves that for me is as beautiful as a flower.

Oh, what the heck! Flower or not, I hope somebody out there will tell me otherwise. Meantime, I think my sister Luchie who loves gardening, will appreciate a vibrant plant like this in our house Heaven so I should ask the guard for some cuttings. That way I can enjoy its beautiful colored blooming self, flower or not . . . . More blooming flowers at Today's Flowers.


sympathy flowers said...

I like these a lot, especially that last tone with all of those colors.

sympathy flowers

lina@women's perspectives said...

It's leaves; but their color are as beautiful as flowers...