Today is the feast of the Immaculate Conception. It is a holiday of obligation for Catholics which means that Catholics have to go to church and attend mass. Notice the blue robe of the priest and the blue uniform that the lay sisters were wearing. When we were kids, we would troop to my Aunt Betty's house in Antipolo and attend mass there since it is also the feast of Our Lady of Good Voyage. The sacred image is known to help travelers so every time somebody would be embarking on a trip they would be advised to take a pilgrimage to Antipolo. My sisters originally planned to go to Antipolo this year but somehow plans were canceled at the last minute and they decided to just attend mass in our church. And surprise! An image of Our Lady of Good Voyage was visiting our church! At the inset photo you will see the hands of parishioners trying to touch the image. And notice the intricate works of weavers and craftmen who did the gown and accessories!
I looked around our church (Santo Rosario church) and realized that the image of Mother Mary in all her titles (Lady of the Rosary, Lady of Good Voyage, Immaculate Conception, etc.), was everywhere! Below you will see another awesome image of Her in the colored stained glass at the back of our church!
And below you will see our golden altar (I shot in sepia for Mary's SEPIA SCENES!) with Our Lady of the Rosary! I told my sister that it seems that the religious dialogues were right when they said that in the end a Queen with stars around her will rule, not in fear but in love . . . . How many wars were broken by Her? How many tears and fears were comforted when people sought Her intercession? Personally, I stand as witness to a lot of people (even non-Catholics!) who were helped by seeking Her intercession! In all Her many titles and quiet grace, the Lady still walks the earth and heals . . . . .Mother of Christ . . .
what shall I ask of Thee?
I do not sigh for the wealth of earth
for the joys that fade and flee . . .
. . . this do I ask of Thee
when the voyage is o'er
O stand on the shore
and show Him at last to me . . .
- Hymn from Our Mother of Perpetual Help novena
My late mother sang to this me when she pregnant with me, and as a lullaby in my growing up years, and until her death in 1994 as I kept watch over her . . .
what shall I ask of Thee?
I do not sigh for the wealth of earth
for the joys that fade and flee . . .
. . . this do I ask of Thee
when the voyage is o'er
O stand on the shore
and show Him at last to me . . .
- Hymn from Our Mother of Perpetual Help novena
My late mother sang to this me when she pregnant with me, and as a lullaby in my growing up years, and until her death in 1994 as I kept watch over her . . .

And my questions for Self-Sagacity's
Thursday Two Questions:
1) What is/was the lasting legacy that your mother is giving you or has given you apart from material inheritance?
2) Who are the other influential female figures in your life and what are their lasting gifts to you?
And my own answers to my 2 Qs:
1) My late mother taught me generosity and sense of community. My late father echoed the same too and taught me resilience and respect for people. From both I learn that creativity is a gift that I must use and share!
2) I have a lot of "Mommy" figures that came into my life who treated me like their own daughter and I am deeply cherished by their presence. Another influential female is my eldest sister Luchie who was like my second mother to me!
To be honest, I look up to both male and female figures who came into my life and made it meaningful! And there are just too many of them!
Such a beautiful church.. The Godness Female I haven't heared many talking about.. hmm.. I would like it to become peace in the world.. but how to do that? I wish, I wish!!
My mother also taught me to give respect to other people.. :)
Have a nice time, my female freind! :)
1) My mother taught me to be kind to people, and not to be judgmental.
2) My sister taught me how to laugh.
Like you there are many others but these two are precious to me.
Your photos of the Church are incredible Lui.
1.) My mother died when I was three. My only memory of her is as "the angel lady" who dressed in white (her gowns) and lived on a cloud (her feather bed). I used to love to snuggle with her and she read to me.
Despite not knowing my mother, I share her eyes, her love of reading, and her dimples. I am also told I share her quick wit and compassionate heart.
2.) I come from a long line of very strong women. My maternal grandmother raised me. She also raised her younger siblings, her own children, my siblings and I, and cared for one of my cousins as well after both of her daughters died far too young. My grandmother taught me hope and sewed the seeds of my faith within me. My sisters and I are every bit as strong and resilient as Gram was. She taught me much, much more besides ...
My mother taught us that love and forgiveness was everthing. Plus she had great faith in a higher power. She left her children the legacy of her life story, which she wrote on her computer and put on CD disks, pictures and all, before she died.
My sisters, my sisters-in-law, my daughter-in-law, and my granddaughters have given and continue to give me so much love I can hardly contain it all. In fact, it often overflows to people around me.
My momma is all about protecting. She doesn't like to see anyone hurts her children or taking advantage of us. She has taught me to always be aware people are capable of many things and don't be naive to think everything is a bed of rose petals.
To be honest, I have none. They are scattered and not wholesome. Some have a few qualities I like, but defective in other ways. This is respectfully speaking.
Lovely photos, Lui, especially the one in sepia.
my answers to T2Q:
1) my mother, although old-fashioned and a typical Filipina wife, has instilled in me a strong sense of self, integrity and responsibility. i was bombarded with "sermons" when i was young about values to live by even when they're not popular.
2) my aunts--my mom's elder sister, Tita Azela. she gave me a healthy dose of tough love and made me appreciate hard work. and aunts from my father side of the family. they nurtured my creative side, and until now, i still feel pampered when i visit them.
Hey, thank you guys for sharing! How wonderful to look back and appreciate the many things given us that made us who we are now. I revel in your richness! Thanks all!
the sepia photo is my favorite,..and to share:
my mother always did allow me to be who i want to be
-my loved ones and friends count the most to me and they alway keep me grounded having such a wander-lust pair of feet :)
My mother always taught me to believe in myself. Also, she taught me about God and His generous love in sending His Son to die for all man-kind.
My mother-in-law is the second strongest female role model in my life. She has taught me about being gentle spirit and selfless. She has a very kind heart. Also, she is a wonderful Christian influence.
I'm fortunate to have both women in my life still. I hope I can equal their accomplishments as mother one day.
Woof! Hey I love Qs!
1) My Mumsy Pica taught me to be independent. She hated sissies.
2) That should be you. And Luchie. And possibly all my gurlfriends who all seem busy.
And before I forget, the mailman is sick and told me to remind you to get the packages in the post office!
And while you're there, go buy me flavored yogurt! Get a move, girl!
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