26 February 2011

Stop, Look and Listen!

I know I featured this flower before so I tried to look for it in my files but I could not locate it! I went over the list in the hope that somebody was able to give me the exact name of this plant but I simply went crazy trying to look for it so I gave up. This is that kind of week. The last quarter moon phase where everything is not what it seems. Since the full moon last week where emotions are running high (animals were restless and some of them suffered from diarrhea, plants were both blooming and drying up, people everywhere were restless and civil war erupted in some parts, and the earth trembling and volcanoes spewing. I am not cooking up a doomsday scenario. What I am saying is that although we live in a precarious scenario of 'global warming' etc., the phases of the moon dictates most of our raging emotions. We simply have to consider that we live in a cycle and the moon is just a guide into the cycle of beginning and ending. In this last quarter phase leading to the new moon is the best time to clean up files, restore order in the house (spring cleaning is best at this time!), end messy tasks without all that drama ;-), and prepare for a new beginning next week. Sigh.

This flower (possibly from the lily family) immediately called my attention! But look:

It is really small and hardly noticeable along the fence!
But in macro, everything in it deserves a closer inspection!

The detail of perfection!
And look!
A new one is coming out as well:

And no, it has no scent.
But yes, it sings a soft hypnotic sound of delight.
The delight for a new beginning!
Have a less harried weekend, everyone!
Macro Flowers Saturday badge 3

UPDATED! Maia, Anki and Ann generously shared and identified this as an Iris. I googled it and found drop dead images of irises and remembered we do have some in our garden and I have to locate it again in case the dogs ate it! Thanks for the id. ;-)


DoanLegacy said...

Oh I saw these orchids before at the Conservatory, but don't know the name!

Gorgeous, they are!

Vrinda said...

hey lui!

That's really nice flower...I like all the shots.

Thanks for stopping by dear.


Maia said...

Another gorgeous flower Lui, oh what a color combination!
The plant itself (at the corner of the building)looks like an iris, but the flowers ? I'm not sure.
Search for iris species.

I've updated my post with a text in a frame, see if you are interested, when you have time.

Me again (Maia) said...

The flowers is gorgeous.
When is the next "last quarter phase" for my spring cleaning, it is still snowing by us right now?

Shadow of Lui said...

Maia dearest,

The last quarter ends when the new moon begins around Thursday next week. Sometimes it gets doubly hard to finish tasks during the new moon until the first quarter. ;-)

Lui's Shadow

Jama said...

So pretty!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

May be a kind ofof iris.

Anonymous said...

A very beautiful flower. I have never seen anything like this. Can it be an Iris, Iridáceae?

Amila Kanchana said...

Nice post,interesting facts,beautiful photos!

Maia T said...

Thank you Lui, it's your permission what I need.
Photos are copyrighted intellectual property, so I'll include only those photos I have permission for.

Flower Town said...

beautiful flower and photo..my used to call these ground orchids, she may have been wrong. :D

Ingrid said...

A very beautiful and special flower ! What you wrote about the moon influence on us is very true and some people really "suffer" from full moons. I think these natural catastrophes have always exiseted only we have are able to know what happens in the whole world thanks to the media. Before you didn't even know the weather in your neighbor town.

Arija said...

What splendid irises! with lovely colours in their hearts. Very nice indeed.

Carletta said...

I thought it looked Iris like. I'm so glad someone knew.
Beautiful macros!

NatureFootstep said...

my guess is some kind of iris. But it is a beauty for sure. :)

Anonymous said...

The Iris family or Iridaceae is a family of perennial, herbaceous and bulbous plants included in the monocot order Asparagales, taking its name from the genus Iris. Almost worldwide in distribution and one of the most important families in horticulture, it includes more than 2000 species.

How do we find the right name for your wonderful iris pictures??
- Cheers Gisela.

Unknown said...

this is exquisite! beautiful!

Today's Flowers

Míriam Luiza said...

Realmente, o retrato da perfeição!