08 March 2015

Yes I am still in Heaven. . .

I am still here.
Still living with all the 
quirky loving creatures . . .
Still in awe
and enchanted
and in confusion
of most of them. . .
And yes I still have
the father and son team
of Kizu and his Popsy Hughes.
They will soon be celebrating their Gotcha days!

at the end of each day
as I try to do creative work in my studio
something is always amiss.
Something golden.
Something fuzzy and nagging
with my colors and objects.
I am sorely missing my Superdog.
And no matter how much I keep myself busy
and happy, and excited with life
there is a certain lump
when I realize
that I have to give myself
enough time
to move on . . .

And now I thank everybody who came and sent wonderful messages of love and hope which brought happy tears. I will be visiting you only now. I am extremely sorry for the long silence but it takes quite a struggle to come here in my happy space and still mourning. . .


wildcatwoods said...

I know how hard ti is to move on when we lost part of our heart. Thinking of you and sending lots of hugs your way!

Lui said...

Thank you, Cheri. You are always supportive and very special to us! hugs!

Viola said...

Hello Lui, so many wonderful photos and such an amazing painting!:)
But.. :/ I felt there is one missing, oh yes! So I can absolutely fully understand how much you miss dear Sweepy! Life is full of happiness AND sorrows. But why must we be happy with that? I had a cat I loved much, for 15 years, and I thought I will never come over her.. And still I haven't and necnever will. But now I can still wake up happy. It's so hard. And Sweepy was such a lovely kind dog!
Sending you warm thoughts :)

DeniseinVA said...

I am so glad to see you posting again my friend. It must be so sad without Sweepy. We all loved Sweepy out here and are greatly saddened at his passing. Comforting hugs sent your way.

Anonymous said...

Missed you, Lui. Do take care, and give yourself time.

Connie Smiley said...

Oops, actually that last comment was from me.

january said...

i miss sweepy too :(

Photo Cache said...

Hi Lui,

I am so sorry to hear about Sweepy. I don't know how your link was lost from my computer. I was looking and couldn't find it. Take are and hope you are better physically.

Emma and Buster