Well, it is yellow. It is bell-shaped. And it is a flower. But the house next door has the same tall plant whose flowers are in orange! Look at the one below. So my guess is wrong. As always. But one thing is sure, it is small and really beautiful!

These bell-shaped flowers abound in my country but sadly, not in Heaven. We do not have the space for it anymore! This tree-like plant thrives well. They probably love the year-round sunny place. And I am sure they will love to be among the blooms at Maia's MacroFlowers and TodaysFlowers of Luiz, Denise, Laerte and Sandy!

It is less than a week before Christmas and the bells and flowers are calling us to open our homes and our heart especially for the homeless, the lonely, the sick, and the hungry, including animals, the grieving family, the ones who lost their job and probably their properties, the one next door probably just waiting for you! Look around and make one happy today! Have a happy Christmas week and make it meaningful . . .
UPDATED: A Chair (yes, this one blogs) identified this flower as Oleander! Tnx, uhm, Chair!

These bell-shaped flowers abound in my country but sadly, not in Heaven. We do not have the space for it anymore! This tree-like plant thrives well. They probably love the year-round sunny place. And I am sure they will love to be among the blooms at Maia's MacroFlowers and TodaysFlowers of Luiz, Denise, Laerte and Sandy!

It is less than a week before Christmas and the bells and flowers are calling us to open our homes and our heart especially for the homeless, the lonely, the sick, and the hungry, including animals, the grieving family, the ones who lost their job and probably their properties, the one next door probably just waiting for you! Look around and make one happy today! Have a happy Christmas week and make it meaningful . . .
UPDATED: A Chair (yes, this one blogs) identified this flower as Oleander! Tnx, uhm, Chair!
This looks like oleander. Pretty. I may want to plant it outside my house.
Whatever this flower might be it is beautiful. The stalk reminds me of the Tiger lilies in my yard but it isn't a lily. Yellow Bell flower sounds good to me.
You are so right, this is the time of year we all need to open our hearts to the less fortunate.
It's a happy time of year and we even have floral bells ringing out to remind us of the reason for the season. Thanks you for this particular post.
Merry Christmas and I'm sure I'll be echoing the wish again before next week.
Beautiful shot! I like the composition of the shot with your hand - there is somethig very gentle about it.
Beautiful Thevetia peruviana!!
Have a nice day!!
I don't know what kind of flower this is but its pretty!
Merry Christmas!
I do like that shade of yellow... particularly with the color of the foliage! L
Those are beautiful flowers. I hope you have a very happy Christmas.
Beautiful very bright color flowers.
the yellow flowers are pretty. the yellow bell i knew has a different leaf, and a vine.:p but maybe i'm wrong.
Love their bright color!
Wish you have a wonderful Christmas, Lui...
Thanks for dropping by
To me it looks like yellow oleander: http://www.backyardnature.net/fl_y-ole.htm Lovely yellow post, Lui!
É uma árvore de flores muito bonitas!
Love these yellow flowers, and have a wonderful holiday.
Beautiful yellow flowers.
Happy Holidays!
it's a Yellow Oleander
Cascabela thevetia
Thevetia peruvia
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