17 March 2012


. . . is our national flower.
It grows profusely in our neighbor's front yard . . .
. . . and kids wait for the buds to open . . .
. . . and exude that heavenly scent!
. . . which is ripe for picking
and string together to be made into leis
that kids sell in church on Sundays!
I buy sampaguita leis from these kids
because I admire the kids' entrepreneurial spirit and
I love to decorate these flowers in our altar
because their scent wafts into the house!
Sampaguita, they said, came from the Filipino phrase "sumpa kita" (I promise you) which symbolizes undying love. Ah, if only love can be as sweet and fragrant and eternal!
Macro Flowers Saturday badge 1
LinkThis Sunday is my dog Sweepy's 10th birthday.
Happy bday, my cutey fifi-pie!
May your days be filled with sunshine and love
and your nights filled with happy drooly memories . . .


Photo Cache said...

I tried to grow this here in California. They call it Arabian Jasmine. But it died, but I can't grow anything so it must be my brown thumb.


Indrani said...

I have these blooming right now in my garden. Beautiful pics.

Randi said...

This one is so beautiful! I have never seen this one before.

Karin M. said...

..so pretty flower buds, beautiful photos...
Greetings Karin

Maia said...

Another lovely, exotic flower. What a pity that we can't transmit the scent too, together with the flower.

MaiaT said...

Beautiful white flowers.
Happy birthday Sweepy!

Ingrid said...

That smell spring to me ! Today it's rather cold and grey, so I enjoy colorful flowers !

Carver said...

That's a very beautiful white flower.

Carletta said...

Lui, I always like how you always show us the many different stages of a flower. :)
The flower is a lovely white!

Luna Miranda said...

i love the scent of sampaguita. lovely shots.

Tatjana Parkacheva said...

Beautiful flower.

Regards and best wishes

The Nature Jotter said...

wow beautiful photos and blog! Now i follow you :)

Connie Smiley said...

What a beautiful flower, Lui! Lovely shots. Please give Sweepy a Happy Birthday pat from me, and tail wags from Barley.

Mª Zélia said...

Nós a conhecemos como Jasmim, sua flor é sublime e seu perfume é adorável!!!
Adorei saber que é a flor-símbolo de seu país, e a simbologia do seu nome é muito romântica!
Feliz Semana ✽

Lisa Gordon said...

Oh my goodness, Lui, each of these is just GORGEOUS!!!
When I see a series like this I usually try to choose my favorite. I simply cannot here. Each one is amazing!


Viola said...

Gorgeous flowers and photos! And I'm sure they excude a heavenly scent.. It's like I can almost smell the scent to here.. :))

Jama said...

It's called the Jasmine flowers here, so fragrance. My neighbour had a pot of this just outside her apartment, which I love to photograph. The Indians love to adorn their hair with strings of Jasmines and sometimes the fragrance can be overpowering.The Malays called this bunga melur.

Sallie (FullTime-Life.com said...

The sampaguita is a new flower for me and it looks exactly like it belongs in your Heaven! I wondered if it had a beautiful scent to match and I see by the comment above that it does. Wonderful. Thank you for sharing -- I love learning this way!

Jill | of angels and seagulls said...

Hi! These are nice photos of sampaguita. Can I grab one of these photos, that I can use for our preschool bulletin board for Buwan ng Wika? Thanks thanks :)