17 February 2013

Roses are Red and White too!

I received another bunch of flowers after Valentine's day.
My dog Sweepy is so used to it by now.
But our pup Babur is excited and wants to tear the whole thing apart!

Inside were red roses and some white ones too . . .

I received them from a school in my community
where I facilitated a painting workshop
for more than 300 students in two days!
I know its madness but hey, I love madness!

The session with the pre-school kids yesterday (Feb.16) was special because I did an early workshop for a public school inside the prison compound the whole morning and I hurried home to do the workshop for the 80+ kids after. Being a hyperactive person I rarely realize my tiredness until I get home and I have to raise my feet up the walls of my bedroom to relax and ease myself before I take a shower and sleep . . .

Yes, my tired self sang all the way home!
You can see the workshop in my studio blog:
the 300+ kids HERE
and the pre-school 80+ kids HERE

Flowers and their wonderful memories do not die . . .

. . . they are gathered and preserved beside my bed and the altar
and in the deep recesses of my heart
to pluck during times when the world 
does not seem to make sense . . .

. . . and your flower stories remind you that everything matters.
The senseless, the shameless, 
and even the round core of the rose
that we somehow throw after gathering the petals
for those treasured potpourri.

Yes, everything matters.
And you all matter so much to me.
The nameless readers, the friends I made . . .
. . . especially those who stay
and become part of my flower stories . . .
you are forever etched in my mad heart ;-)

And for Denise who is now hosting Today's Flowers
and keeping the tradition alive . . .


Jidhu Jose said...

both the red and white roses are beautiful

Indrani said...

Lovely roses for Valentine's!

Carver said...

Wonderful shots of the beautiful roses.

The Chair Speaks said...

Lovely roses! The white ones must have smelled heavenly!

Self Sagacity said...

Wow! Just totally breathless! Those flowers are just gorgeous!

Ingrid said...

Beautiful roses for Valentine's day !

DeniseinVA said...

So good to see this post today Lui, loved all your photos of beautiful flowers, and sweet words.

Lisa Gordon said...

Lui, your roses are absolutely gorgeous, especially the purple one. What a wonderful color.

I hope you've had a great weekend!

Carletta said...

Beautiful roses!
I love, love, love the purple edit!

Anonymous said...

oh babur was probably like our Bea before, she's so curious about flowers and loves to chew it to bits. send my hugs to babur and sweepy dear!:)

p.s. i got to read now sumo's huling yugto, it's been a year and i miss the black beast and his big heart...

Lui said...

ohmadog, elna!
i hope you are aware that sumo passed away a year ago.

we all miss him.
and we still grieve thinking of him.
and yes he always had a big heart.
now thinking about tears me apart . . .

Anonymous said...

hi,lui. i just missed sumo and it breaks my heart everytime i had the chance to read back his old post...