04 November 2009

Remember the rose given to me last September? It was a single rose flower taken from a bunch of beautiful red roses given to a special mother by her children last September 8 (the birthday of Mother Mary), and which the lucky mother shared by giving me one from the bunch. My sister suggested to plant it instead of just extending its life by putting it in a vase with water. I did just that and the series of pictures above said it all: The rose did not survive Heaven. Maybe it needed another kind of soil. Maybe my dogs peed on it when my back is turned. Maybe I did not plant or cared for it well enough. A lot of maybes. A lot of wondering why . . .

Changes and expectations. Scary words. The rose must adapt to the changes. I have my expectations. Both did not have happy endings. But life will not stop there. There will be other flowers, and maybe some roses too, that will be given to me, will be planted, and will live or die. . .

When my friends were asking me weeks before if the storm Santi will pass, I simply nodded my head. Some friends were now banking on my intuitions to forecast calamities. I am not psychic. Communing with nature and understanding its nuance and yes, even learning to 'read' its language, can make anybody know and understand what will happen. A lot of psychic friends predicted storms and calamities and all these vibrations jibe with most of those who can 'read' the wind and the cycle of the season, including mine. Well, I told my friends that Santi might be the last of the storm cycle BUT. . . yes, but. . . something equally destructive is coming. I feel an earthquake will soon follow. "Oh, stop saying things like that!" somebody admonished me.

But how can I tell her that the earth is changing and it needs to clean and recharge itself by going through cycles that people like us dread? The air and energy around us is clogged. The storms build up naturally and hurls itself back to balance the earth. The heat inside the earth is also building up and needs to breathe out. Through volcanic eruptions maybe? Or maybe through earthquakes? Words and scenarios that can really scare us. But if that is the only way for earth to balance itself, who are we to challenge these changes and bank on our expectations?

What is important is to accept and understand why these things happen and AFFIRM that whatever nature needs to correct itself, we will remain whole and safe. A few bruises, some lost possessions, but in the longer run, the earth has all the capabilities to correct the many flaws that mankind has done. It is not a punishment. It is not an "angry voice" thundering from heaven. It is that wonderful change needed to put us back on track. And yes, take my word on it, a lot of us will survive the end of the Mayan calendar where the earth will be renewed and made whole again! Just hold on, have faith, and be whole . . .

1 comment:

Viola said...

Hi! A long time since I've been here! I hope you are doing fine. I as you believe that the earth cleans up itself, that ii's breathing by its earthquakes and volcanics eruptions etc.. It's an interesting issue, I think.. But not fun for the people beeing "offered".. I hope you'll get some new flowers. Lovely flowers you've got here. Have a nice day! :)