03 March 2013

Flowers Today

I watched this flower bloom . . .

. . . and fade

. . . and bloom again!

I hope I am not late in posting this
but I dedicate this wonderful cycle
to inspire the children and young adults
in several of the advocacy programs
that I was fortunate to be part of.

. . . and these words from an advocacy group
set to music and dance to create awareness
(targeting one billion people )
and to inspire victims of abuse
to rise, take a stand and break the chain.

And for Denise
whose flower stories and images
create more than inspiration . . .


Jeanne said...

Well hello! Your photos are just lovely, and you look great. will stop back to visit often!

Self Sagacity said...

The bulb is so interesting. I like the color a lot too.

Jama said...

So beautiful! I love their colour.

Indrani said...

Delicate shades. They are beautiful.

The Chair Speaks said...

I love blue and purple flowers. What flowers are these!

Lui said...

EJ, I think it is called Phlox. Not sure though ;-)

Ingrid said...

How nice to see such beautiful flowers when outside it's cold and grey !

Lisa Gordon said...

Lui, your flowers are just beautiful, and such a wonderful dedication to your groups.

I hope you've had a fantastic weekend, and I wish you a bright beginning to your week.

Sending hugs to "my" Big Boy!


Tina´s PicStory said...

lovely weekend flowers! ... and yes, it´s me :)

Carver said...

Lovely flowers. They look so delicate and soft.

SandyCarlson said...

Gorgeous phlox!

Connie Smiley said...

Just beautiful, Lui!

4 Lettre Words said...

Such beautiful colors!

cats of wildcat woods said...

So nice to see your flowers. It is still cold and grey here.

DeniseinVA said...

A lovely tribute Lui! A delicate little blue flower. Wishing you a great week my friend :)

Viola said...

What a lovely post for inspirations! :) Lovely flowers, comes and goes and comes again! :)

Lovely photos below here also! each and one! :) congrats with your new handsome dog. and not to forget to say that sweepy too is handsome, I guess you know I know :))

Ricki Treleaven said...

Your photos are stunning. Such a lovely blog you have here!