10 March 2013


Do not just sympathize with somebody in pain.
Learn to walk and understand their path and learn from their journey.

. . . how indeed can I talk about breaking the chain of violence
when I have never been raped, molested or abused?
How can I possibly know?
Because I walked a lot of painful paths with victims.
I cried and held their sobbing forms.
I wept for their broken dreams
and prayed with them for a better tomorrow.

One need not be broken to heal.
But one can heal the broken.
And the broken can recover and heal 
and heal another.
It is a continuing journey.
But one must take the journey with them.

This tall fragrant tree greeting me at the mall
stand as witness to our healing journeys.
They wave good wishes and joyfully reach out
their slender limbs to connect.

There are no prodigal children.
There are no wayward souls.
When one leaves
the door remains open for their return.

I would like to bid adieu to one of my best mentors in business, Michael Alan Hamlin, whose quiet but inspiring ways had taught me to always strive for excellence and produce only excellent work and output. He died Saturday night and left his partner, wife and friend Monette and their beautiful children and one of the best events management companies in the Philippines, Team Asia, where I had my training in management and marketing. Michael will forever be remembered and his lessons etched in my mind and heart. Goodbye, Mike, and have a pain-free journey at last!

My unknown pink tree for Denise and TodaysFlowers
and for Beverly's PinkSaturday.


Jidhu Jose said...

lovely pink

Jama said...

This is commonly known here as the Rose of India, or pride of India. Scientific name is Lagerstroemia Speciosa, lots of them in our parks and road divider.You captured them beautifully.

Indrani said...

So beautifully captured against the blue sky.

Carver said...

Wonderful shots of the lovely flowers.

SandyCarlson said...

A beautiful post and tribute.

Treat and Trick said...

Lovely photos!

Chubskulit Rose said...

I forgot what we call this flower in the P{Philippines.

Trying to catch up with Pink Saturday entries.

Hope you'd come and see my
PINK Mug and leave me some remark. Your comment is always appreciated.

Ingrid said...

Today we have a lot of snow so the view of some flowers is very good for me !

Cottage and Broome said...

A beautiful tree and thought. Thanks for stopping by, Laura

Lisa Gordon said...

I am so sorry for the loss of your friend, Lui.

These pink flowers are just beautiful. It looks like summer there.

Sending hugs to you, and to "my" Big Handsome Fella!

Carolina Mountains said...

I am so sorry to her of the passing of your friend and mentor Michael. May he rest in peace and remain forever in the hearts of those who loved him.

Happy belated Birthday to you and say hi to Sweepy for us all. His counterpart Sweetpea will be our post for St. Patrick's Day on Sunday!

Your kind words helped me in my loss of Chica - helping others does help us.

DeniseinVA said...

Beautiful photos Lui. I am a bit late getting round this week :)

DeniseinVA said...

Wonderful post Lui :) Thank you my friend.

Self Sagacity said...

You get the most unusual flowers. They are gorgeous.